Inrecent years, China has introduced a series of convenient entry/exitand residence policies, which have played a remarkable role inattracting foreign high-level talents and innovative entrepreneurs,etc., while cities with a high flow of foreigners entering China,such as Beijing, Shanghai and Xi'an, have successively introduced newpolicies to continuously encourage international students to innovateand start their businesses in China. China has become a magnet forthe world's talent, attracting more and more foreign talent to thecountry!
Howcan overseas people invest and start a business in China easily andquickly? Get a work permit for foreigners to come to China! Accordingto China's laws, foreigners must apply for a work visa for employmentin China. The process of applying for a work visa for foreigners israther cumbersome. SFBC takes you through the detailed process,processing time and the documents to be submitted for a new work visafor foreigners coming to China.
Aforeigner's work visa is actually the common name for a residencepermit in the category of work, which is a legal employment procedurethat employers must handle for foreign workers. The work visa thateveryone finally gets is called the residence permit for foreigners.It is a visa stuck on the passport, and the reason for residence iswork.
Thereare currently two processes for foreigners to apply for a new workvisa in China, overseas & domestic. You can choose theappropriate process according to your itinerary.
★Overseas application
Applicablegroups: Foreigners who are not in China, or foreigners who arealready in China but have an outbound itinerary.
★Inbound application
Suitable crowd:Foreigners who are already in China and have no exit plan.
Thefollowing is a description of the specific process and materials.
1.Overseas application: Steps 2 and 4 must be done in person by theapplicant
A.Notification of work permit for foreigners: the process is expectedto take about 20 working days to complete
B. Zvisa (temporary work visa) entry: Consult the Chinese Embassy for theexact time required.
C.One or two year work permit for foreigners: expected to take 20working days (original passport required on the day of submission)
D.One or two years residence permit for foreigners: expected to take 10working days (in person)
2.In-country processing: Step 2 must be done in person
A.Work permit for foreigners: expected to take 20 working days
B.Residence permit for 1 or 2 years: expected to take 10 working days
Ittakes about 2 and a half months to apply for a work visa for thefirst time. Before starting the process, it is important to prepareaccurate documents in advance to avoid delays in the later stages ofthe process.
Foreignersare generally required to be between the ages of 24-60 (not anabsolute requirement)
1. Acolour electronic version of the first page of the passport (theoriginal will be used again for the visa process)
2.Electronicversion of two-inch white background photo (the original will be usedfor visa application)
3.Originalmedical examination certificate of the person outside China (if theperson is outside China, please go to the local Chinese Embassydesignated hospital for medical examination, if the person is insideChina, please go to the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureaufor medical examination)
4.Originalcertificate of no criminal record in the home country (to becertified by the Chinese Embassy in the home country) and Chinesetranslation (with the official seal of the employing company)
5.Originalbachelor's degree or above (certified by the Chinese Embassy in yourhome country) and Chinese translation (stamped by the employingcompany)
6.Originalcertificate of two years' relevant work experience (must be issued bya company outside China after receiving the degree; if issued by aChinese company, a matching work visa page must be provided) andtranslation (stamped with the official seal of the employing company)
7.Chinese CV in WORD (written from university entry to the present,without interruption)
8.Copy of temporary accommodation registration certificate (to beissued at the police station where you live within 24 hours ofentering China)
Medicalexamination: If you are outside of China, please go to the hospitaldesignated by your local Chinese Embassy for a medical examination,please contact your local Chinese Embassy for details. Generalrequirements: routine blood tests, HIV and syphilis tests, chestX-ray, ECG, and general tests.
Note:Medical certificates that meet the requirements in China must beexchanged for the original medical certificate from the Entry-ExitInspection and Quarantine Bureau upon arrival in China and used inthe subsequent steps of the employment procedure. If you do not meetthe requirements, you will need to make up the medical examination atthe Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. No adverse personalrecords and Chinese people ensure that their Chinese householdregistration has been cancelled. The company operates legally, has areal office address (random checks will be carried out for visaapplications) and the employment situation is genuine.